Present Continuous online teszt

Ha teljesen kezdő vagy, nézd át ezeket:

Tanulmányozd a táblázatot, majd oldd meg a tesztet!

A 'you' rész Rád vonatkozik, válaszolj úgy, hogy Te csinálod!

Are / is studying English reading a book working in the office swimming in the sea
you yes no yes no
she yes no no yes
they yes yes no no
Peter and Sue yes no yes no
the cat no no no no

Válaszd ki a táblázat alapján a helyes megoldást!

1) Are you studying English now?
a) No, I'm not.
b) Yes, I am.
c) No, she isn't
d) Yes, she is.

2) Are you swimming in the sea?
a) Yes, I am.
b) Yes, he is.
c) No, I'm not.
d) No, I don't.

3) Is she reading a book at the moment?
a) Yes, he is.
b) Yes, she does.
c) Yes, I am.
d) No, she isn't.

4) Is she working in the office right now?
a) Yes, they are.
b) Yes, she is.
c) No, they aren't.
d) No, she isn't.

5) Are they studying English?
a) No, they aren't.
b) Yes, they are.
c) Yes, I am.
d) No, I'm not.

6) Are they swimming in the sea?
a) No, I'm not.
b) Yes, I am.
c) Yes, they are.
d) No, they aren't.

7) Are Peter and Sue working in the office presently?
a) Yes, they are.
b) Yes, I am.
c) No, they aren't.
d) No, I'm not..

8) Are Peter and Sue swimming in the sea right now?
a) Yes, they are.
b) Yes, I am.
c) No, they aren't.
d) No, they don't.

9) Is the cat swimming in the sea?
a) Yes, they do.
b) Yes, it is.
c) No, it isn't.
d) No, she isn't.

10) Is the cat reading a book?
a) Yes, it is.
b) Yes, I do.
c) No, it isn't.
d) No, they don't.

Jegyezd meg!
I AM + inges alak, YOU ARE + inges alak, HE / SHE / IT IS + inges alak, az összes többinél: WE / YOU / THEY ARE + inges alak!

Presently jelentése magyarul: jelenleg - ez is jellemző időhatározója a folyamatos jelennek!