Törpe víziló angolul

Előbb olvassuk el a cikket, utána pedig válaszoljunk a kérdésekre a tesztben! Az olvasási készség fejlesztésénél a elsőre ne használjunk szótárat. Így fel tudod mérni, hogy segítség nélkül mennyire értetted meg a szöveget! Utána persze bármikor visszatérhetsz, sőt! Javasoljuk, ha megtanultad az ismeretlen szavakat, csináld meg újra!

Meet the latest addition to Bristol Zoo. The pygmy hippo was born there three weeks ago, and according to zookeepers, the little calf is doing very well.

“We have a very protective mum here. Her name is Sirana. So she's very protective of the calf. She doesn’t let us get all that close, but she's doing an absolute perfect job of looking after it.”

This birth is a particularly important addition to the zoo. They are an endangered species in their natural habitat in Africa.

“And they’re facing lots of threats and are ranked possibly 3,000 to 4,000 of them only in the wild, which is not very many compared to such a big animal, so it’s hugely important that we have a captive breeding program that can actually, you know, have a safeguard for the species and we can make sure that if their numbers continue to fall in the wild that that we do have them, in captivity, so we don’t lose all animals altogether.”

Staff aren’t 100% sure whether the calf is a girl or boy – they're thinking it's a boy, so we'll come up with a name for him in the next few weeks.

Ha Elolvastad, felteszünk pár kérdést, hogy megtudjuk, mennyire értetted meg a szöveget!