Ha csak pár perced van ma angolozni, íme egy gyors angol lecke teszttel!
Families nowadays
These days people often get married around their thirties and have one or two kids
Both parents have to work to make ends meet
Women get more equal opportunities than in the 20th century
Both parents can take well-paid jobs
Life can be more balanced and satisfying
Children are more independent which can turn out to be good in the end
On the other hand, parents can grow distant and eventually get divorced because they are too busy
Children can get into bad companies, start harmful habits and drop out of school
Vocabulary | Szókincs |
Make ends meet | Elég pénzt keresni |
Equal opportunities | Egyenlő esélyek |
Take well-paid jobs | Jól fizető munkát vállalni |
Balanced | Kiegyensúlyozott |
Satisfying | Kielégítő |
Independent | Független |
Turn out to be good | Jól sül el / Jól alakul |
Grow distant | Eltávolodni |
Get divorced | Elválni |
Bad companies | Rossz társaságok |
Harmful habits | Káros szokások |
Drop out of school | Iskolából kiesni |