7 ok, hogy elkezdj jógázni - Seven reasons to start doing yoga

1. It’s a great workout
First of all and most obviously, yoga is a fantastic workout for your body. You can adapt the practices to your own speed and level of comfort. No matter which yoga exercises you choose, the practices will always be part of a great workout routine. There are some fantastic series of movements out there that are perfect for every kind of day and for every kind of person, meaning there’s no reason not to start doing some yoga as soon as you can.

2. It gets you in touch with your body
Yoga stretches and exercises are designed around the idea of moving your body to increase its strength and durability. Therefore, doing yoga on a regular basis will really get you to be much more in tune with your body and know when something is really working and when it isn’t.

3. It can help your breathing technique
A big part of yoga is the breathing exercises – or the pranayama – which are incorporated into positions and then on their own. The exercises encourage a more focused and centered way of breathing, and while they might not be something you’ll do consciously every day, they’re absolutely sure to provide methods of effective stress-management and generally make you feel much better.

4. It can improve your sleep
Another minor but pleasant benefit is that doing yoga can actually help you get better sleep. This might be due to the fact that a few sequences of poses and movements are intended to be done right before sleep, but regardless, studies have shown that doing some light physical activity before our heads hit the hay can help us get off to sleep more quickly, which usually leads to a much better quality of sleep.

5. It will improve your posture
Yoga is pretty effective at helping you develop some premium, proper posture, since a lot of the breathing and seated positions require a straight back for proper effect. Good posture is definitely going to develop during yoga practice.

6. Less back pain
Back pain affects 31 million Americans, and it's recommended by the National Institutes of Health as a way to ease pain and stretch muscles.

7. Better balance
The American Heart Association journal Stroke reported that post-stroke yoga may be able to improve balance, decrease fear of falling, and improve quality of.