Ha csak pár perced van ma angolozni, íme egy gyors angol lecke teszttel!
10 Household Chores for Cooking
1. I do the cooking every other day.
2. I have to prepare all the ingredients.
3. I have to follow the instructions or else the meals will taste bad or get burnt.
4. I have to set the table for the whole family or company.
5. I have to clean the kitchen surfaces every time I cook.
6. I have to do the washing-up / do the dishes every day.
7. If there are too many dirty dishes, I use a dishwasher.
8. When all the plates and cutlery are clean, I put them back to their good old place.
9. I start thinking about what to cook next.
10. I daydream that someone will do it instead of me.
Vocabulary | Szókincs |
Prepare the ingredients | Elkészíteni a hozzávalókat |
Follow the instructions | Követni az utasításokat |
Taste bad | Rossz íze lesz |
Get burnt | Odaég |
Set the table | Megteríteni |
Company | Társaság |
Kitchen surfaces | Konyhai Felületek |
Do the washing-up | Elmosogatni |
Do the dishes | Elmosni az edényeket |
Dirty dishes | Piszkos edények |
Dishwasher | Mosogatógép |
Cutlery | Evőeszközök |
Good old place | Jól megszokott hely |
To daydream | Álmodozni |
Instead of me | Helyettem |