Feltételes mondatok gyakorlása online - Kevert típusok

Egészítsd ki a mondatokat! Ha kész, kattints az "Ellenőrzés" gombra az ellenőrzéshez. Segítséget is igénybe lehet venni, de az pontot von le, nem lehet a teszted 100 % !

1. If it doesn't rain, the boys (play) basketball.

2. If you (wait) a minute, I'll help you.

3. If we (arrive) at 8, we wouldn't miss the class.

4. If he (grow) his own vegetables, he wouldn't have to buy them.

5. I (not hit) you if you hadn't been rude to me.

6. What would you do if you (have) a million dollar?

7. We (miss) the bus if you don't hurry.

8. If I (not study) hard, I wouldn't have good grades.

9. If I had more time, I (learn) Italian.

10. If you (come) with us, you would have had a great time.