Tell me about fashion

-Fashion refers to a lot of different things, such as clothing, accessories, makeup and even behavior

-Fashion means that something is popular with a large number of people at a period of time

-Every subculture has its own distinctive fashion style (you can realize a person’s subculture by judging their appearance)

-Fashion has been present throughout history – even ancient societies (Romans, Greeks or Egyptians) had their own trends

-Fashion changes very constantly and rapidly

Why does fashion always change?

-Fashion changes indicate how a society or culture changes

-For instance the appearance of the mini-skirt in the 1960s indicated that people changed their minds about women

-World events determine trends – the hippy culture was very popular in the 1970s and trends dominated the world of fashion

-There is nothing new under the sun: fashion recycles itself time and time again

-People spend a lot more on quality clothes when they have more money, but when there is a crisis, they buy cheaper items

-Fashion often is a sign of rebellion against social rules, for instance wearing super-mini skirts or female-patterned male clothes

-Fashion expresses where you belong, your financial status, political orientation, state of mind, identity and of course preferred music style

-There are clothes which never go out of fashion, such as jeans, skirts and t-shirts, and wearing these items always radiate self-confidence

-If you keep up with fashion constantly, it might mean that you have little self-confidence inside

Accessories Kiegészítők
Makeup Smink
Subculture Szubkultúra
Distinctive Megkülönböztető
Ancient societies Ókori társadalmak
Indicate Jelezni
Change your minds about something Megváltozik a véleményed valamiről
Determine Meghatározni
There is nothing new under the sun Nincs új a nap alatt
Time and time again Időről időre
Rebellion Lázadás
Where you belong Ahová tartozol
Financial status Anyagi helyzet
Go out of fashion Kimegy a divatból
Keep up with fashion Követni a divatot