Angol videók átirattal tanulásra

Very expensive kebab

Meet the so-called King of Kebabs, the Royal. It's new to London and if you want one, it'll set you back a whopping 925 pounds. Its creator has sourced the finest ingredients from around the world to create this mouth-watering masterpiece. And he thinks it's worth every penny.

"We have all the invoices what we pay, meat and the other stuff and then easily you can calculate and plus my effort and my idea!"

But what makes it so pricey? Along with milk-fed lamb and minced goat, is the finest Japanese Wagyu beef. It's topped with salad, of course, and it's drizzled in a 25-year-old vinegar that costs more than 180 pounds a bottle. And that's just the start!

"Here is the Morel mushrooms, freshly picked up from France, and our olive oil, a bottle costs about 25 pounds."

If you were thinking about a spontaneous trip after a late night though, think again.

"If you come on Monday, I will say, ’See you next Monday', so at least one week."

So you'd better be quick if you want a slice of the action.

so-called úgynevezett
whopping óriási
finest ingredients legjobb hozzávalók
mouth-watering masterpiece ínycsiklandó remekmű
it's worth every penny minden pénzt megér
invoice számla
pricey drága
milk-fed lamb tejjel etetett bárány
25-year-old vinegar 25 éves ecet
freshly picked frissen szedett
spontaneous trip spontán utazás (kiruccanás)
at least one week legalább egy hét
you'd better be quick jobban teszed, ha gyors vagy