Angol szókincs videóval

Koala stops the traffic

What a place to take a stroll! This koala had to be escorted to safety by police from a busy Australian highway. The native marsupial wandered across the Brisbane Valley Highway where he stopped the busy traffic.

This video posted to Facebook shows cars stopped on the roadway while a policeman shepherds the animal to safety.

The amused motorists looked on as the koala ambled and hopped casually along the highway before eventually taking refuge in greenery next to the road. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that the police officer stayed close to the koala until it climbed a tree to safety.

Despite their rather cute appearance, experts say koalas shouldn't be picked up due to their sharp claws.

take a stroll sétálni
to escort kísérni
busy Australian highway forgalmas ausztrál országút
native marsupial őshonos erszényes
to shepherd the animal to safety biztonságba terelni az állatot
amused motorists lenyűgözött autóvezetők
to amble and hop casually össze-vissza baktatni és ugrálni
eventually végül is
to take refuge in greenery menedéket találni a lombok között
despite valami ellenére
rather cute appearance elég aranyos kinézet
due to valami miatt
sharp claws éles karmok