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Malvina Reynolds - Little boxes

Hallgasd meg a zenét egyszer, utána egészítsd ki a dalszöveget miközben hallgatod! Ha kész, kattints az "Ellenőrzés" gombra az ellenőrzéshez. Segítséget is igénybe lehet venni, de az pontot von le, nem lehet a teszted 100 % !

Little Boxes - Malvina Reynolds

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky,
Little boxes on the ,
Little boxes all the same.
There's a pink one and a one
And a blue one and a one,
And they're all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the .

And the in the houses
All went to the university,
Where they were put in
And they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and ,
And business executives,
And they're all out of ticky-tacky
And they all look the same.

And they all play on the golf course
And drink their martinis dry,
And they all have pretty
And the children go to school,
And the children go to summer
And then to the ,
Where they are put in boxes
And they come out all the same.

And the boys go into business
And and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same.
There's a pink one and a green one
And a one and a yellow one,
And they're all ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same.

A ticky-tacky kifejezés Malvina Reynolds-tól ered. Jelentése: vacak, selejtes, tucatáru. A kis dobozok pedig az amerikai "házgyártásra" utalnak, amely a második világháború után indult be, lakóhelyet biztosítva a középosztálynak.