Szent Patrik napja angolul

St. Patrick's Day - 17 March

1. St. Patrick’s Day is the day when everyone is a little bit Irish. In fact, almost 12 percent of Americans claim Irish ancestry.

2. It is Ireland's biggest national holiday.

3. March 17 is the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

4. On St Patrick's Day, it is customary to wear shamrocks, green clothing or green accessories.

5. The first St. Patrick's Day parade took place in New York in the 1760s.

6. In Chicago every year, the Plumbers Local 110 union dyes the river "Kelly" green. The dye lasts for about five hours.

7. According to Irish legend, the saint used the three-leafed plant as a metaphor for the Holy Trinity when he was first introducing Christianity to Ireland.

8. Corned beef and cabbage, a traditional Saint Patrick’s Day meal, doesn’t have anything to do with the grain corn. Instead, it’s a nod to the large grains of salt that were historically used to cure meats, which were also known as “corns.”

9. Don’t be fooled by any holiday decorations showing lady leprechauns. In traditional Irish folk tales, there are no female leprechauns.

Vocabulary Szókincs
in fact valójában
ancestry származás
patron saint védőszent
customary szokásos
shamrock lóhere
to dye befesteni (például hajat)
according to valami szerint
Holy Trinity Szentháromság
leprechaun manó, pajkos tündér az ír folklórban
to cure meats húsféléket tartósítani
grains of salt sószemcsék

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