Hogyan motiváljuk magunkat? Szerinted képes vagy rá?

Do you need a virtual pat on the back?

Fontos! Important! A videó szövegét hallgasd meg és ismételd el, hogy fejlődjön a kiejtésed is!

Sometimes all we need is a pat on the back, the one last push to step out of the comfort zone... Start running, start living...

It is not by accident that you are HERE right NOW!

If you WANT it... you will find a way to DO it!

...right place at the right time

the best and the highest comes to you at every moment

you receive everything wonderful that you desire

you are a wonderful person

You grow younger and more beautiful every day. You are successful at everything you do. You love and accept yourself for who you are. You are infinitely wealthy and rich and have an infinite abundance of money and precious treasures. You are in the perfect love relationship with the perfect person for you. You deserve and receive happiness in every aspect of your life. The universe blesses you every moment with love and joy. You are completely healthy in every way. Your body, soul and mind are in complete harmony with each other which keeps you in perfect health and forever young. You are talented and creative. You enjoy being yourself. You really are beautiful. You are special and unique. You accept yourself for the wonderful person you are...

Vocabulary Szókincs
a virtual pat on the back virtuális vállveregetés (back = hát)
last push to step out of the comfort zone egy utolsó löket, hogy kilépjünk a komfortzónából
it is not by accident that you are here Nem véletlen, hogy itt vagy
You receive everything wonderful that you desire minden csodálatos dolgot megkapsz, amire vágysz
You are successful AT Sikeres vagy valamiBEN
precious treasures értékes kincsek
The universe blesses you every moment Az univerzum minden pillanatban megáld téged
You are talented and creative Tehetséges és kreatív vagy
You enjoy being yourself Élvezed, hogy önmagad vagy
You are special and unique Különleges és egyedi vagy
You accept yourself Elfogadod magad

Most pedig teszteljük le a megtanultakat!

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