Sleeping rough PART 2 - szókincs angolul

Írd be a szavakat! Ha kész, kattints az "Ellenőrzés" gombra az ellenőrzéshez. Segítséget is igénybe lehet venni, de az pontot von le, nem lesz 100%-os a teszted!

Homelessness test part 2

Complete the sentences with the suitable word or words based on the text.

1. is the US word for coins
2. A lot of the homeless end up moving to to survive the winter months.
3. A synonym for falling asleep is .
4. My neighbours had to call the police as moved into their house.
5. An empty house is an house.
6. People of the streets often heavy drinking to fight off misery.
7. People who walk past you are .
8. A closed space where you can get money with your credit card is an .
9. Homeless people parks for the summer when the weather is good.
10. The feeling when you have no idea if things are going to improve is called .