Sleeping rough - szókincs angolul

Írd be a szavakat! Ha kész, kattints az "Ellenőrzés" gombra az ellenőrzéshez. Segítséget is igénybe lehet venni, de az pontot von le, nem lesz 100%-os a teszted!

Homelessness test 1

Fill the gaps with the suitable words based on the first part of the homlessness text.

1. When you do something for a very long time, you do it .
2. When you look at something for a long time, you it.
3. He learnt a lot from living . He is a totally different person now.
4. The male person whose place you rent is your .
5. When you lose your home officially because you cannot pay, you are .
6. The money you have to pay to your bank monthly is called .
7. The years I spent on the street would me to threats daily.
8. She had nowhere to stay, so I her up for a few weeks.
9. People who have been to prison are called .
10. Poker and betting are examples of .