Present Simple online teszt

Ha teljesen kezdő vagy, nézd át ezeket:

Tanulmányozd a táblázatot, majd oldd meg a tesztet!

A 'you' rész Rád vonatkozik, válaszolj úgy, hogy Te csinálod!

Do..? get up early play computer games watch TV study English
you yes yes yes no
they no yes no yes
Peter and Sue yes no yes no

Válaszd ki a táblázat alapján a helyes megoldást!

1) Do you get up early?
a) No, I don't.
b) Yes, I do.
c) No, they don't
d) Yes, she does.

2) Do you play computer games?
a) Yes, I do.
b) Yes, he does.
c) No, I do not play.
d) No, I don't.

3) Do you watch TV?
a) Yes, he does.
b) Yes, she does.
c) No, I don't.
d) Yes, I do.

4) Do they get up early?
a) Yes, they do.
b) Yes, she does.
c) No, they don't.
d) No, he doesn't.

5) Do they study English?
a) No, they don't.
b) Yes, they do.
c) Yes, I do.
d) No, I don't.

6) Do they watch TV?
a) No, I don't.
b) Yes, I do.
c) Yes, she does.
d) No, they don't.

7) Do they play computer games?
a) Yes, they do.
b) Yes, I do.
c) No, he doesn't.
d) No, I don't.

8) Do Peter and Sue get up early?
a) Yes, they do.
b) Yes, I do.
c) No, he doesn't.
d) No, they don't.

9) Do Peter and Sue study English?
a) Yes, they do.
b) Yes, I do.
c) No, they don't.
d) No, she doesn't.

10) Do Peter and Sue watch TV?
a) Yes, they do.
b) Yes, I do.
c) No, I don't.
d) No, they don't.

Jegyezd meg!
ha két személy az alany, például Péter ÉS Sue, akkor nem kap 'S' végződést az ige az egyszerű jelen igeidőben!