Üzletek elnevezése angolul

Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a cikk alapján. Ha kész, kattints az "Ellenőrzés" gombra az ellenőrzéshez. Segítséget is igénybe lehet venni, de az pontot von le, nem lesz 100%-os a teszted!

1. This is where you go if you want to buy products straight from the producer:
2. I ran out of paper so I have to go to the .
3. We may have beef for dinner so I sent my son to the local to get some.
4. A large shop where you can buy many types of goods is a .
5. I like having fun while I’m shopping, so the ideal place for me is a .
6. I was in the USA and there was a great below my apartment, so that’s where I bought food every day.
7. British people go to the when they have a headache to buy painkillers.
8. I live in a small town and we only have a , which is pretty big but you can only buy food there.
9. My wife loves croissants, so she would go to the nearest every day while she lived in Paris.
10. I decided to build a new desk for my wife, so I had to go to the to get everything.