Personal Description

Személyek jellemzését érdemes mindenképpen azzal kezdeni, hogy elmondjuk, ki , honnan ismerjük, és hogy ismertük meg.

I am going to describe a person who is very important in my life. His name is Jimmy and he is my childhood best friend. We first met in kindergarten when we were 3 years old, and we hit it off immediately.

A következ bekezdésnek a külsejérl tanácsos szólnia. Idetartozik a testfelépítése, haja, szeme, orra, arca, megkülönböztet jegyei és az esetleges viselt kellékei. Mindenképpen említsük meg, hogy formal vagy casual stílus jellemzi-e az öltözködését.

I would like to write about his appearance. As regards his build, he is a very skinny short man. He has brown wavy hair, blue eyes and he also has a beard and mustache. He has some distinctive features, for example he has spots all over his face and he has a huge hooked nose. Speaking of his style of clothing, he prefers casual clothes, such as jeans and t-shirts and his favorite color is green. He doesn’t like formal clothes and he hates ties. He wears a lot of accessories, like necklaces and earrings. He especially likes to follow the latest fashion.

Ezek után illik rátérni a személyiségére. Természetesen a pozitívakkal kezdjük, és elmondhatjuk azt is, mit kedvelnek benne az emberek. Tanácsos mesélni a negatív tulajdonságairól is, hiszen nincsen rózsa tövis nélkül, és így kerek a jellemzés.

As for his personality, he is very funny, but he can be serious too, when he has to. People like him very much because he is extremely polite, for example he always gives his seats to old ladies on buses. However, he has some negative features, as well. Sometimes he can be very annoying and he is often late.

Kiemelten fontos kettnk viszonyára is kitérni. Elmondhatjuk, mit csinálunk együtt, mi a legjobb kettnk viszonyában, és persze itt is mesélhetünk kisebb problémákról, melyek azért rendszerint gyorsan megoldódnak.

When it comes to our relationship, we often do a lot of things together, such as playing football, watching films or going to parties. We can always discuss our problems and help each other in time of trouble. Sometimes we have an argument, but we make it up quickly.

A záró bekezdésnek egyszer a dolga: egy-egy tagmondattal összegezni kell, amit az elzekben leírtunk, és egy pár szavas utalást kell tenni a jövre, ami általában szintén pozitív hangnem.

Finally, I think he is a great guy and a great friend. Although, he has annoying habits, he will always be a great company for anybody.