Kifejezések kikérdezése online

Írd be az előző lecke alapján a hiányzó szavakat! Néhol egyeztetni kell számban, személyben! Ha kész, kattints az "Ellenőrzés" gombra az ellenőrzéshez. Segítséget is igénybe lehet venni, de az pontot von le, nem lehet a teszted 100 % !

1. My new job that I have to travel a lot.
2. We are more comfortable living outside of .
3. My parents don’t let me move abroad, they of it.
4. We’ve been dating for 3 years, probably it’s time to in together.
5. When you enjoy something, you it.
6. We cohabitate so that we can figure out how we are.
7. I feel you’ve not been together long enough to make a serious .
8. Cohabiting couples can have some period before they decide if they should get married.
9. The things that annoy you about your partner are their pet .
10. I know how my wife will react to this, I know her thought .
11. Many issues may within a relationship.
12. I have more money since we moved together, we all the bills.
13. Living with her was very attractive, I found it totally .
14. She does the small shopping, she pays for the .
15. Cohabiting takes the off of the relationship.