Angol szavak kikérdezése online

Írd be a hiányzó szavakat! Ha kész, kattints az "Ellenőrzés" gombra az ellenőrzéshez. Segítséget is igénybe lehet venni, de az pontot von le, nem lehet a teszted 100 % !

1. I took the train because I didn’t want to get in road traffic.
2. I lived 300 miles from my university, so I had to three times to get there by train.
3. weather caused serious delays, in some cases even 6 hours.
4. The flooding washed away the railroad , and a train got . Many got injured.
5. Buses environmental consciousness.
6. I remember taking the bus every morning when I was a child. I was the last to get on so I could never find a seat.
7. I live in a beautiful small village. One disadvantage is that it is really , and we get two buses a day only.
8. Illnesses you can get from other people are .
9. An is a situation when a large number of people get ill from the same virus.
10. My brother switched to driving as he got fed up with having to bus timetables.
11. Make sure you to the driving code! You get fined if you drive too fast.
12. When traffic is huge, people call it .
13. Too many cars keep releasing toxic , and this will endanger our future.
14. Car is getting way too overpriced.
15. costs are skyrocketing even for the best quality cars.