Lajháros szókincs angolul - B1 - 2015

A zookeeper and a teddy bear have taken on the role of surrogate mum to the ZSL’s newest arrival – a tiny baby sloth. The seven-week-old two-toed sloth needed a helping hand when his mum stopped producing milk.

Zookeepers have named the young male Edward after Johnny Depp's famous character Edward Scissorhands. His name relates to his impressive claws which will grow up to 4 inches in length and enable him to cling on and climb easily through the treetops branches.

Edward is a nocturnal animal native to South America and is being fed every three hours with goat's milk to help keep him fit and healthy.

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Word Szó
sloth lajhár
teddy bear játékmaci
to take on felvállalni
role szerep
to arrive megérkezni
surrogate helyettes / pót
to produce termelni
zookeeper állatgondozó
to name elnevezni
male hím
impressive nagy benyomást keltő
claw karom
length hossz
to climb mászni
to cling csüngeni
nocturnal éjszakai
goat kecske
carnivorous húsevő