Hétfős online teszt

Írd be a meghatározások alapján a szavakat! Ha nehéz, nézd meg a leckében a kiemelt kifejezéseket! Ha kész, kattints az "Ellenőrzés" gombra az ellenőrzéshez. Segítséget is igénybe lehet venni, de az pontot von le, nem lesz 100%-os a teszted!

1. an announcement or advertisement that is printed on a sheet of paper and given to people -

2. something that is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of something -

3. full of busy activity -

4. if you have to stay in a place without being able to move around much, you are - up

5. the feeling that you are as important as other people and that you deserve to be treated well -